Monthly Archives: April 2013

Workout for Tuesday, 9 April

Old faithful: 8 x 400m with 200m recovery intervals.  The usual route.

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I gotta tell you, I’m pretty happy with those splits.  Obviously I’m nowhere near where I need to be eventually.  But considering I’m only in a low/moderate intensity run training phase, the fact that I was at a 6:45 – 7:30 pace without totally blowing out a lung (including a 7:07 final interval!) is good enough for me.

I suck at holidays

So Monday was a holiday here in Thailand.  So of course, I wasted my whole day, didn’t go and do any of the local sightseeing that is still on my list and even messed up my workout.

I was supposed to do pushups and a bike ride, which would have fit perfectly with my day off: I could have driven out into the country and gotten a nice ride in with some scenery.  Instead I brain farted, did pushups and tried to swim.  I say tried because even though our pool opens at seven AM the maintenance guy decided to clean the pool at 0830 while I was swimming and after two or three laps of dodging his scrub brush and vacuum hoses I lost my patience and kanked it.

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Which put me in a bad mood all day because I was in the middle of good workout.  I was actually doing a programmed workout with a warm up and then 5 x EBEH laps (25m each of Easy-Build-Easy-Hard).  I wasn’t necessarily enjoying it at the time (my upper body was smoke from doing PU first, not a good plan) and that probably contributed to my willingness to be thwarted by the pool man obstacle course.  Nevertheless, it was frustrating and my 100m splits were 15-20 seconds faster than my normal LSD plodding pace so I felt like it was a worthwhile exercise.

As for the pushups.  Ouch.  220 reps with only 60 seconds rest between sets.  For the first time since starting the second run through I added extra rest (+60 seconds before the final set of 55) and still had to take a quick break.  I went to my knees for about 15-seconds somewhere around 35-ish.  Overall though it felt pretty good.

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Two more days of workouts before my next max rep test.

Weekly Review

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This was the best week I’ve had in a long time.  I got back to my daily workout routine and I even got into a MORNING WORKOUT ROUTINE.  Awesome.

I was intending to do a neat little summary chart here that included my mileage and minutes for each discipline for the week and some other neat stuff . . . but I’m getting caught up from a couple days behind so instead I’m just going to post this picture I took of a guy driving down the main street of North Pattaya with fully lit and operational charcoal grill sidecar.



“Jeez Bob how did you get a concussion-broken-arm-second-degree-burn-combo injury?”

“Well, I wrecked my motor-scooter-kabob-stand while weaving in and out of traffic without a helmet.  You know, a regular Tuesday.”

Workout for Sunday, 7 April

Good 5-mile run.  The best one I’ve had in a while.  Sub-nine minute pace is solid for me these days.

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It boggles my mind that I used to be able to do 5-miles in 40-minutes.  Who was that guy?  I’ll ask him when I get back to that level.  Which I will.  Eventually.

BTW, I’m also wickedly impressed with my consistent pacing.  One second difference on the out and back?  Without ever looking at the watch or my pace?  That’s pretty pro.

Baby steps toward understanding our data . . .

which means towards using it to improve.

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This graph above is from this workout below:

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And these definitions:

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Are what pop up when you click on those little question marks next to the relevant term in Garmin Connect.  So.  Yeah.  Doesn’t help much right?  I will say that it explains why these numbers are always the same for me (because Avg Efficiency is the Avg SWOLF normalized to a 25m pool . . . and I do all my workouts in a 25m pool).

Good first step.  Now I’ll have to do some research and figure out ways to use these numbers to try and get better.  Or something like that.

Two days in a row

I shouldn’t be this excited considering I worked out first thing in the morning for . . . oh . . . about 14 years of my life.  But considering I don’t have a single workout partner or any form of external influence to “encourage” me to do so nowadays I’m significantly proud that I once more got up early and worked out BEFORE work.

It is fantastic to come home after work and have the evening completely free and not have to force yourself to muster the mental energy to get out the door and workout.

Here’s all what I did before the sun came up today:

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I’m feeling really strong on the pushups.  This workout for example only called for 50 reps in the last set.  Did 57.  No ‘pike’ resting either.  I took one or two quick breathing breaks in the plank position but for the most part just knocked them out.  Solid.

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Wasn’t feeling really strong for this run.  Could have been the time of morning.  Could have been the cycling the previous day (always hard on the legs).  Really just wanted to slog through at a slow trot, but I scrolled through the custom workouts on my Garmin and decided to knock out this 30s hard/30s easy run.  It was not fun.

AM workout . . . no, really, it was

Two nights of early to bed resulted in this week’s sign that the apocalypse is upon us: namely, that I woke up early, then actually GOT OUT OF BED and did my workout BEFORE work.  Kiss your loved ones, folks, the end of the world is nigh.

40-minutes on the bike:

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If there’s an airport there, I’ll eat my hat

I’m only posting this map shot because for the first time I noticed that there is supposedly and airport damn close to my route.

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Didn’t feel great on this run, combination of being rushed getting out the door and being a little underhydrated.  Gonna work on consistently drinking more water since we’re getting into the hot season and I can’t walk from my car to the office without breaking a sweat.  Never mind going for a 5-mile run.

I’m also going to start making 5-miles my baseline easy run again instead of the four I have been doing lately.

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Also, before my run I knocked out my planned pushup workout.  Felt really good.  Much stronger than when I did the same workout the first time through the program.  Very encouraging.  The final set was supposed to 45(+) and I did 50.  Probably could have done a few more but I was in a hurry to get to my run.


Back in the pool

For the first time in a long time.  Skipped my pushups but honestly I’m sleep deprived enough that I don’t really care.  I’ll knock them out tomorrow.

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I played around with my breathing tonight.  Usually I just breath every third stroke but tonight I did some 5-breath laps and some 4-breath laps.  Nothing structured, just playing around.  I’m not sure if it had any effect but I’m going to compare these charts from tonight:

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With the charts that I usually get from swimming and see if there’s any difference.  Probably not but it might at least force me to learn something about the damn things.